The Complete Streets Initiative is on the winning team for the SCAG Bicycle Data Clearinghouse project to begin this July. As a part of this multi-part $150,000 project, UCLA will create a web based map interface to house bicycle volume inventory. These data will be collected and standardized for municipalities in Los Angeles County.
This effort is similar in nature to other web-GIS interfaces designed by the Lewis Center including CA LOTS (the California Land Opportunities Tracking System), a web-GIS tool which allows planners and developers from throughout the region to identify infill development opportunities in priority growth areas.
For this project, Project Director Madeline Brozen will work closely with Norman Wong, who developed sites such as CA LOTS and the KERN COG Traffic Analysis Map. Professor Rui Wang and talented graduate student researchers will round out the UCLA research team.
UCLA will work with Ryan Snyder Associates, the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition and Kittleson and Associates to assemble a countywide bicycle data set, a first for the County of Los Angeles. The project will create a user-interface easy to use for policymakers and the public. All members of the project team will work closely with the Southern California Association of Governments and Metro to produce a dynamic product, supporting complete streets planning and policy efforts for years to come.