Manual for Living Streets Receives National Award from the US Department of Transportation

The Federal Highway Administration of the US Department of Transportation has selected the Model Design Manual for Living Streets as one of only twelve recipients for the 2012 Exemplary Human Environment Initiative award. The award recognizes the comprehensive street design manual, which including extensive guidance for active transportation and environmentally sustainable design practices.

Supported by the UCLA Luskin Center and Lewis Center along with Ryan Synder and Associates and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, this manual has generated high visibility from national media outlets and cities across the globe. The manual’s website, managed by UCLA Complete Streets Initiative program director Madeline Bronzen, has received over 15,000 hits, serving as a resource for hundreds of communities. Colleen Callahan, deputy director of the Luskin Center, managed the chapter that focuses on tips and tools for creating streetscape ecosystems that are lively, economically vibrant and environmentally sustainable.