Category: Housing
A Case of Arrested Development – UCLA Housing and Land Use experts on the Road to and From Los Angeles’ Measure S
A complete video recording of the event available on YouTube The merits of an upcoming ballot initiative in the City of LA, Measure S, that would mean big changes for big development projects in the city brought together a panel of UCLA experts in housing and land use. If passed by voters in March 2017,…
Obama Administration Tackles Housing Affordability, Cites Lewis Center Scholars
In releasing a Housing Development Toolkit earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development amplified a growing chorus of voices calling for reform to regulations that limit housing production. The report states, “The increasing severity of under-supplied housing markets is jeopardizing housing affordability for working families, exacerbating income inequality by reducing workers’…
Presentations from our Housing And… Lecture Series
This fall, the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, in partnership with the Ziman Center for Real Estate, hosted a three part lecture series about housing. Over three weeks, we hosted nine participants spanning academia, advocacy and practice. The three topics included: Job Accessibility : What is the relationship between allocation of housing and job…
Enabling Strategic Growth in Cudahy, California
After decades of sprawl, state and regional governments are now focused on encouraging compact, infill and transit-oriented growth as a key strategy to reduce vehicle travel and greenhouse gas emissions. According to this logic, growth in already-developed areas that are more central and better-served by transit will result in less driving and fewer emissions. Cudahy…