CicLAvia is the Los Angeles -regional branding for open streets events. At open streets events, streets are closed to motor vehicle traffic and tempoarily transformed into appealing public spaces for people to to walk, bicycle, skate and enjoy. Since 2013, the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, along with partners in the Luskin Center, the Fielding School of Public Health and the RAND Corporation have partnered to look at a variety of different effects that these events have on people and Los Angeles in general. As of October 2015, the evaluation research team has collected information for seven events with more data collection planned for 2015 and 2016. The team looked at both objective measures, including traffic counts, business receipts and crime reports, and subjective measures from participant surveys and key informant interviews. These measures were designed to assess the multi-faceted ways that CicLAvia affects participants and communities hosting CicLAvia events, and to capture how CicLAvia events might catalyze community change that persists after each event.
We hope to publish more results as we are able. We are constantly collecting new data as more events occur in the region. The more data we have, the better of an understanding of the event. However, it does slow our publishing process. We currently have one article forthcoming and hope to disseminate more results in the near future. Some initial preliminary results are posted below. We encourage people who are interested to get in touch with Christina Batteate (cbatteate@ucla.edu) if you have any questions or would like the reference our analysis publicly.
The multi-disciplinary team includes the following participants:
Brian Cole, Dr.P.H, Fielding School of Public Health
Yifang Zhu, Ph.D., Fielding School of Public Health
Deborah Cohen, M.D, RAND Corporation
Madeline Brozen, Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies / Institute of Transportation Studies
Christina Batteate, M.P.H., Fielding School of Public Health
Michael Jerrett, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
John Froines, Ph.D., Fielding School of Public Health
Segovia Shu, Ph.D.
Scott Fruin, Ph.D.
Andy Hong
Forthcoming publication:
In press: Shu, S., et al., Air quality impacts of a CicLAvia event in Downtown Los Angeles, CA, Environmental Pollution (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2015.09.010
Additional details:
Working on this project: Madeline Brozen, Colleen Callahan, J.R DeShazo Project Start Date: September 2012 Project End Date:
Associated Publications
CicLAvia Evaluation Progress Report
Author(s): Christina Batteate, Madeline Brozen, Deborah Cohen, Brian Cole, Yifang Zhu
Date: October 9, 2015
Publication: Deliverable to CicLAvia