Authors: Christopher Gladora
Date: May 1, 2009
Project: A Right to the City: Building a Los Angeles Tenant Union
The purpose of this report is to recommend an organizational structure for a citywide tenant union in Los Angeles comprised of members of the Los Angeles region Right to the City Alliance (L.A. RTTC). The Right to the City Alliance (RTTC) is a national consortium of membership-based community organizations and allies who are working to build a national urban movement for housing, education, health, racial justice, and democracy. Members of the RTTC meet at a national scale on an annual basis while members in a particular region meet more frequently, including the five members of the Los Angeles region RTTC. Presently, the L.A. RTTC is structured as a coalition, with an organizer or staff member representing each group. The goal of this report is to recommend a structure for a tenant union that involves active tenant leadership and decision-making.
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