Authors: Paul M. Ong, Douglas Houston, John Horton, Linda L. Shaw
Date: May 1, 2001
Project: Los Angeles County CalWORKs Transportation Needs Assessment
This report provides analysis of the transportation barriers facing welfare-to-work participants in Los Angeles County compiled by the UCLA Ralph & Goldy Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies for the CalWORKs Transportation Needs Assessment (CTNA). The results of this analysis comprise a critical component of the report by the Los Angeles County Department of Social Services to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on the nature and depth of the transportation needs of the welfare-to-work population in Los Angeles County (LADPSS, 2000). These results provide the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and county transportation planners with:
- Baseline information on the transportation behavior and needs of welfare-to-work participants in Los Angeles County.
- Description of the transportation barriers to the transition from welfare to work.
- A foundation upon which a framework of effective transportation policies for welfare recipients can be developed.