Authors: Miriam Cisternas, Rebecca Morales, Michael Storper, Carlos Quandt, Allen J. Scott, John Slifko, Ward Thomas, Martin Wachs, Samira Zakhor
Date: May 1, 1991
This report is the first of two studies that deal with the prospects for alternative fuel vehicle use and production in Southern California (Working Papers 2 and 5). The findings of this study indicate that Southern California has the research and manufacturing capability to support the activity of small-scale innovators dedicated to bringing new technologies to the market fairly rapidly. Through concerted policies to ensure an economic climate of constant innovation and change, the region has the potential of becoming a leader in the production of non-polluting vehicles. The report deals with five major issues: (1) consumer markets for alternative fuel vehicles; (2) current and prospective technologies; (3) environmental impacts; (4) building a vehicle manufacturing base in the region; and (5) existing and possible policies for stimulating alternative fuel vehicle use and production
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