Authors: Paul M. Ong , Douglas Houston, Jennifer Wang, Jordan Rickles
Date: November 25, 2002
Project: Socioeconomic Characteristics of American Indians in Los Angeles County
Los Angles County is home to the largest urbanized American Indian population in the country. This culturally diverse population has survived and maintained its identity despite centuries of oppression and a legacy of marginalization. Today, the American Indian population in the Los Angeles region is an economically disadvantaged group that is difficult to serve because of its geographic dispersion. Knowledge of the socioeconomic characteristics and spatial patterns of American Indians is critical to identifying the needs of this community and to improving programs tailored to it. This report contributes to our understanding of the needs of American Indians by examining census and enrollment data on the socioeconomic status and distribution of American Indians in Los Angles County. (Released in Conjunction with the United American Indian Involvement, Inc. of Los Angeles)
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