Seniors and Parks: Identifying Places to Build Parks for Community Elders

This project is a supplemental project to the Seniors and Parks: Identifying and Responding to the Elders’ Needs for Open Spaces. This effort is a spatial analysis focused project which uses GIS techniques to identify and map the need for open spaces for the elderly as well as opportunities for the development of such spaces.  This open space need is determined by mapping concentrations of seniors in the city, their socio-demographic characteristics, location of senior citizen centers and other senior services. Opportunities for open space development will be identified through the use of, which includes information about vacant parcels, and properties for auction within the city of Los Angeles, and other pieces of land considered to be ”unmarketable.”   This information is  supplemented with data from the City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Department. The end product, available in the report below, identifies over 50 opportunities for park opportunities near senior-concentrations. For specific sites, please view the report. 


Variables Used to Construct Park Needs Index







Additional details:

Working on this project: Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Madeline Brozen Project Start Date: January 2014   Project End Date


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